


HD in Illustration


Illustration, Storytelling



The background:

An illustration story book that based on the research and analyzation on “Dementia”

Who are we designing for?

Dementia patients and their family

The concept

To bring out the message of how dementia causes seniors to experience not only memory loss but also sensory changes that could raise potential dangers and impact their well-being.

The goal

To encourage families who are with dementia seniors. Be patience and show your love to support and stay in touch with dementia patients. There is no magical power like the one in the story in real life to heal their wounds that cased by sensory loss.

What’s the challenge?

Ho Yan: This is the first time I have learned to create a story. From the content of the story, the character design to the final illustration, I also encountered different difficulties, but it was a challenge. In the process of looking for style and exploring the story, I also learned about different style characteristics. This is a challenging and memorable opportunity for us to learn.

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Robert Smith – CEO, DiviBiz